Tracing the Lusitano
Discover the Travel Guide for Lusitano Fans
Welcome to Editions Quantum

Books published by Editions Quantum
Go on a journey and find out what culture is behind this great horse breed.
Join me on the journey...
I founded Editions Quantum in 2024 to publish my own books. I didn't want to transfer the rights to my works to a third-party publisher again and found that self-publishing with the companies operating on the market did not meet my expectations either. This quickly led to the idea that I am certainly not the only one who feels this way. That's why I would now like to make my expertise available to you, so that you too can realise your dream of having your own book. Today I offer various services, all of which are related to horses but also incorporate my other passions: travelling, languages and books.

You can find my books and publications
Publishing Support
You want to write a book, have a great idea and need support?
Training & Clinics
Of course, it is also possible to book lessons with me. Click here to go to my trainer website

Travel in the hoofsteps of the Lusitano
Discover Portugal with Lisa Maas and me on exclusive tours

Publishing Support
I only want to publish my own works through my own publishing house, but I am also available to help if you have a great book idea. The second pillar of Editions Quantum therefore stands for services related to the written word and the associated image material. I am myself an author, as well as a journalist and editor, and originally also studied design. I speak three languages fluently and have a basic knowledge of two more. I have translated several books (from French and English to German, and now my own book from German into English and French).
My speciality is everything to do with horses. But travelling and discovering cultures, their people and their history are topics that also interest me. Of course, I prefer it when I can combine both.
As a trainer for classical baroque riding and for over 15 years of journalistic work around the horse, as a former editor-in-chief of the bookazine Feine Hilfen, which I supervised for six years and author of two of my own book titles so far, former programme manager of the horse section at Cadmos as well as editor of several very successful horse books, I know the world of horse books very well. Do you want to publish your book with a large publishing house and would you like my support as an professional editor so that you can benefit from my contacts and my experience of what is important, for example, in an exposé? Or do you want to publish your book on your own, but with the organisation, editing, proofreading, image editing, graphics and printing supervision in professional hands? Or do you have a completely different idea? Then get in touch with me.
Travelling tracing the Lusitano horse
The third pillar of Editions Quantum is one that is particularly close to my heart and is still in its infancy: in the future, I will be able to offer exclusive trips to Portugal for riders in cooperation with Lisa Maas in Portugal.
The Travelguide already exists. You can order it here. If you want to know more, benefit from our wealth of experience on the ground and discover places that you would otherwise not be able to discover, we will make it possible.
In the equine sector, respectful treatment of the animal is important to me. I am not a trainer for sporting success, but rather seek the finest aids and the connection with the horse as a partner. In doing so, I concentrate on the teachings of the old masters but always against the background of current knowledge. I find it exciting that observations were made in the past that are now being confirmed by science. I am very interested in the body language of horses in order to better respond to their expressions and I am specialised in seat training and classical work in hand. Iberian horses are particularly close to my heart – the Lusitano and the PRE – but of course all breeds are welcome. My aim is to bring you closer to your horse and to provide you with so much background knowledge that you can also manage your own training.

Training & Clinics
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”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job is done the best as possible.”